Category: Tech Tricks

  • Free Classroom Clickers – Socrative

    If you are a fan of student response systems (clickers), you might fall in love with Socrative: Socrative is a free web application that turns any laptop, iOS or Android device into a clicker response system. Teachers can build a virtual response room online, create a variety of assessment questions, and then have students…

  • Is Your Password on The List?

    We’ve all been taught never to use “password” as a personal password, right? Though it may seem obvious that such a password is easy to guess, “password” is a frequently used, and easily hacked, password according to a recent study preformed by SplashData. The mobile software company recently published their annual list of the worst…

  • Free PDF to Word Converter

    Saving a Microsoft Word file to PDF is rather easy; a range of tools provide free PDF file creation. Converting a PDF file back to a MS Word document is sometimes tricky and often akin to digital alchemy. To help facilitate the transmutation, NitroPDF offers a free online PDF to Word translator: The NitroPDF…

  • Google Tech Support Care Package

    I love this new website: “Teach Parents Tech” is a clever Google side project offering dozens of quick videos to help parents or grandparents learn computer and Internet basics. The videos are short and the instructions are clear.

  • Letscrate and Dropbox: Simple Free File Sharing

    I was disappointed to recently read that, the super simple online file sharing website, would be shutting down subsequent to their acquisition by Facebook. However, two nice alternatives are worth a serious look. offers a great backup and sharing service allowing one to synch files from multiple devices to a single web account.…