With our High School piloting an online Chinese course, I’ve been hearing a great deal of interest in online language learning. With that, here are a couple of neat virtual language webtools that are worth checking out:
Mango: http://www.mangolanguages.com
Mango has an easy-to-use flash-based interface with courses on multiple languages including French, Russian, Spanish, German, Greek, Chinese and even Pig Latin.
LinguaZone: http://www.linguazone.com
Amy Wissing at Hambright sent LinguaZone my way. She writes:
Teachers input their own vocabulary, verb conjugations, articles, or cultural material, anything they are teaching, and these colorful cartoon games are instantly customized for their classes to play in school or at home. Great for students because they don’t need a password. Wonderful for use with an interactive white board.
Are you using tools like Mango and LinguaZone in your classroom? Are there other foreign language web tools worth mentioning? Leave a comment and let us know!