Category: Nexus 7

  • Education Apps for Android Starter Guide

    Education Apps for Android Starter Guide

    Penn Manor School District recently distributed 200 Asus MeMO tablets to elementary and middle school teachers. To help our staff jump in and begin exploring, we developed a starter guide to highlight a few useful classroom apps. With over one million Android apps in the Google Play store, the sheer volume of content can be…

  • Holiday Tech Gift Guide 2013

    As the holidays approach, the Penn Manor Technology Team begins to receive questions about affordable technology gift alternatives to iPads and traditional Apple and Windows laptops. Below is a updated version of the holiday tech gift guide email I sent to district staff; I hope it is helpful to Penn Manor families as well. Google…

  • Back to School Apps For The New Nexus 7

    As the sultry days of summer rolled by, Google introduced a hefty refresh to their already solid Nexus 7 tablet. The new Nexus 7 (2013) sports a resplendent HD display, faster processor, upgraded ram, better power efficiency, and a sleeker design. Also included is a rear facing 5MP camera, which should satisfy those who longed…

  • Google Play for Education Announced

    Google Play for Education Announced

    Huge news for Android in the classroom: Today Google revealed Google Play for Education, a forthcoming service to help teachers manage, discover and install learning apps on classroom tablets. Designed specifically for the needs of educators, the new section of the Google Play Store will be organized by subject matter, content and grade level.  The…

  • Nexus 7 Supports Multiple Student Accounts

    The latest software update to Google’s Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 tablets introduces several minor updates as well as one huge feature for schools: Multi-user support. With the release of Android 4.2, any tablet can be set up to permit more than one unique user account profile. Each profile is an independent space, just like…