The parent information forum on the 1:1 Laptop Learning Program was held at Marticville Middle School on Wednesday May 13, 2015. Over 50 parents and students attended the session, which covered details of the August laptop distribution, student expectations, and classroom goals. A document summarizing frequently asked questions and concerns was made available to attendees. If you missed the session, grab the Laptop Program FAQ here. Additional resources, including the laptop policy, parent agreement form, and best practices guide are also available.
For the 2015-16 school year, all middle school students will receive a laptop computer for personal use in school and at home. The 1:1 program is designed to expand students’ access to resources that will enhance their personal intellectual development and help them construct knowledge for life after high school in a changing world. Penn Manor High School launched a laptop learning program during the 2013-14 school year. The district is excited to expand the program to all middle school students.