Penn Manor High School students, Andrew Lobos and Ben Thomas, demonstrated their custom-programmed Career Day sign-up and sorting system at the 2013 Pennsylvania Educational Technology Conference and Expo Student Showcase. The web portal and accompanying scheduling system made student High School Career Day seminar selections simple and reduced the complex scheduling process. The program eliminated weeks of district staff time typically spent manually sorting and scheduling students into presentation sessions.
Working as a team, Ben crafted the front-end screen designs while Andrew perfected the underlying sorter and scheduling engine. Developed from scratch using open source software tools and hosted on district servers, the system is an outstanding accomplishment by two budding programmers.
Guided by faculty feedback and ideas, the students learned to code a complicated program based on design requirements, functional needs and client constraints. Andrew and Ben’s software program pushed past mere digital literacy; they coded, built, and designed an authentic system with immediate benefits for fellow students and faculty. It is impressive work for 11th grade students and a stellar high school programming achievement.
It was an honor to chaperone Andrew and Ben at the state education conference today; bravo gentlemen!