I am thrilled to announce the release of a new version of Penn Manor’s Sapphire Parent Portal. The new site, now called the Community Web Portal, will be available the evening of May 9th. Existing parent/student usernames, passwords, and PIN numbers will not change as we migrate to the new Web Portal.
During the 2012-2013 school year, the new Community Web Portal will allow the district to deliver report cards, progress reports, and other letters electronically. Digital report delivery will ultimately save printing costs and associated staff processing time.
For the remainder of the current school year, progress reports and report cards will be delivered via postal mail and posted to the Sapphire Community Web Portal. Beginning with the 2012-2013 school year, all high school report cards and progress reports will be posted to the new Community Web Portal. Paper copies will only be sent home at the specific request of a parent or guardian. Parents who require a physical report card or progress report will receive instructions on how to opt-in to the paper versions as part of the summer Penn Manor High School information mailing.