Tech Ticket System Statistics

This past summer we launched the new Technology Support Ticket System: Here are some details on the first full month of operation:

For the month of August 2008, a total of 474 problems were tracked via the new technology ticket system. 374 of these issues were resolved and 100 tickets were still unresolved works-in-progress as of September 1st.

The data does not include:

  1. The tracking of issues called into the Help Desk and resolved on the spot (password resets, “How do I?” type questions, etc.)
  2. Tracking of issues where staff pulls a tech aside for impromptu assistance. “Hey I saw you walking down the hall, can you help me with xyz right now?” These may be considered “Line Jumpers”. 🙂
  3. Computer installs, moves, adds/changes and rewiring after summer room cleaning.
  4. Infrastructure projects such as the email server migration, server maintenance/backup, Sapphire setups for the new school year, PDE PIMS reporting, etc.

A reminder that most technology support problems should be directed to the support website first. Emergencies may be phoned into the help-desk: x1776.



