Secondary Gradebooks are Ready for 07-08

Effective Sunday August 12th, Sapphire Gradebooks for teachers in grades 7-12 are ready to go. Teachers may begin utilizing the gradebook immediately. A reminder to select 2007-2008 from the school year menu and to use your network login info to sign into the system (same as last year.) Also, we have received version 3 of the Sapphire gradebook, meaning, the look-and-feel of the screens has received a major update. While the new screens should be intuitive to use, we will have updated documentation from K12 System in the next few days. I’ll post the new Gradebook training handout on CometNet as soon as it lands in my email inbox! Update: the new Gradebook Manual is now posted on CometNet under Technology | Shared Documents | Sapphire Instructions.



